Notes and Special Features
# Repeater is uncoordinated by the coordination council.
a Autopatch
A/a ARES affiliated
Bi BI-Lingual System
c Closed
(ca) Closed Autopatch
d/EXP Demonstration, Experimental
e Emergency Power
e-sun Solar Power
e-wind Wind Power
Exp Experimental System
l Linked or crossband system.
LiTZ (Ltz) Long-Tone Zero. Used to alert users of an emergency in some areas of the country.
o Open System
p Portable System
pkt Digital/Packet capability
PROP Proposed
R/r RACES affiliated
RB Remote Base
t Tone Access (CTCSS tone) required to access the system.
tt Touch-ToneŽ access to specialized feature.
WX Weather Net/Weather Usage
x Wide Area Coverage system
z Direct access to law enforcement